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AyurSangrah - Based on core principles of AyurVeda
Change, Adapt & Transform

Change, Adapt & Transform

Food, a fundamental requirement of life and the provider of strength, vitality and energy. It is also the keeper of our cultural traditions and indispensable to our social lives – think of any celebration and it will involve food.

Our brand inspiration, Ayurveda is an ancient science of life since time immemorial describes the diet as one of the most important factors which have direct impact on three Doshas/humors and is achievable if it contains all Tastes (Rasas) in a balanced way.

Ayursangrah AgroHerbals with Ayurveda influenced processing techniques and a fusion mix of modern packaging, aims to deliver the might of ancient knowledge wealth with a balance in the food you consume, thereby delivering physical and mental health status.

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© 2023 by AyurSangrah AgroHerbals LLP

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